Saturday, May 14, 2011

Living in the cloud

This week I will be going to Tech Ed in Atlanta.  It will be a week of learning that I am looking forward to.  In addition, it will also be a real test of an experiment that started about a year ago.  I was tired of moving my data files from computer to computer and I wanted to move my files to some type of storage where I could always access them. I didn't want to have to copy gigs of data around.

I first moved my documents to Microsoft's Skydrive. This allowed me to use the mesh app to get my files on all of my computers even offline.  I was concerned about outages so for redundancy I also moved my files to Google Docs.  This also allowed me to use those apps to edit the documents from a web browser.

This has worked very well for my normal home/work routine. This week I will try only using my tablet and my phone.  In theory, I should be able to do everything I need to do even without a laptop and out of town. I will keep posting to let everyone know how it goes.

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